New! beta TSP Historical Returns Calculator

This page is designed to allow readers to perform their own calculations of hypothetical returns since the inception of the Thrift Savings Plan in 1988 to the present, as illustrated on the fund total returns page.

The calculations are based on monthly returns of each fund that was available as of January 1988 (G, F, and C Funds - see this page for more details on monthly returns for each fund). The calculations start in January of the start year you select below, and continue until December of the final year.


Input your desired calculations in the form below. The current figures are placeholders. Note: press the "reset" button or refresh the browser to conduct another calculation.

Good luck!

Graph of Hypothetical Returns:

These calculators are for demonstration purposes only; actual returns may differ.

*Send calc bug reports to the contact information on the about page. Thanks!

TSP Investing Strategies, 2nd Edition is now available on Amazon!

TSP Investing Strategies, 2nd Edition